marți, 19 noiembrie 2013

Imaginative exercise

     Does anyone know how to imagine what they want? The answer from you will probably be ''yeah of course'' but think about it it is really what you want what did you really feel in that moment? Now I might get some ''no''as answer. Let's take our imagination and see what we can do with it.
     What we imagine? Some dreams or maybe you imagine yourself being on a beach drinking beer and listing some good music or just have a little nice chat with yourself. Well is it because we  want those images in our minds or we need them? What are you guys thinking?

3 comentarii:

  1. At first we think we want them and start making scenarios like ''how good it would feel if...'', but if we think again, we realize we don't actually need them in our lives... i guess... XoXo ^^

  2. Răspunsuri
    1. Ce legatura are raspunsul tau cu ce a scris Vlad? Idiots everywhere.
