duminică, 3 noiembrie 2013


  Hello people.... m-am gandit sa reinvii acest blog nu de alta dar imi era dor de el :)

                         Prisoner Of Madness

I am alone? Hello...nothing i think that it`s just my imagination. Haaa !!! What was that? Who are you? Who am I ? It`s just me? .... I don`t think that I`m alone here .....Who are you? Show yourself!!! ....Where  am I ?..Why is everything black?
                ‘You are safe for now !’
                ‘Who is talking?!!’
                ‘Whatttt you can`t recognize your own mind?
                ‘What is happening ? Help!!!’
                ‘You are afraid of your own mind ? You feel it, don`t you? You feel the desire to talk to someone, don`t you? Let me explain to you. I am you and you are me’.
                ‘What is that suppose to mean? Where are you?! Show yourself!!’
                ‘Ohhh poor you. I am in your mind .I am what you created, all your fears and all your dreams , your deepest secrets . Let`s face it, you knew that I was there, but because you were too scared to face it, you hid me and pretended that I don`t exist’.
I am that part of you that told you to kill your parents. Remember? Or when you “accidentally” pushed that poor girl from that bridge. Remember all of that? Of course you don`t, because you weren`t there, it was me! Yee it was me all this time. but of course you didn`t know that.
                ‘No!!! No , No,No!!!!! It can`t be, it can`t be me ! You lie!! All you said is a lie! I saw that girl, how she jumped over that bridge and I called for help .And my parents died because a fire started, because they left a candle burning ! I know it!!
                ‘Ye, well I`m gonna tell you a little story about how your parents died’.
                ‘Shut up!!!!!’
                ‘Ohh poor boy ....Now, shut up and listen to me! Let`s go back into past and see what really happened in that night with your parents. Your father beat you because you left again your toys all over the place and then in the middle of the night, somebody went into their room and took a candle and threw it in bed! Remember?’
                ‘No!! You lie!’
                ‘Oh let’s be serious, how could I lie? I am your mind. I just showed flashes of your memory’
                ‘It can`t be!’
                ‘Shut up! Gosh, you’re so annoying, no wonder that your wife left you , honestly . Now I am gonna show you the part with that girl. She was walking on that side of the bridge, and then she climbed on the edge ...Don`t know why, dude, but she did it...and then you just ran over there and you pushed her. Just like that. Oh God, I`ve laughed so badly when the police came and you said that you tried to save here but she jumped . Oh that was fun.’
                ‘You lie! Everything you said is a lie! ‘
                ‘Well if everything was a lie, then execution isn`t . Too bad the police came in that place when I were about to kill that third girl in the museum. Now, you will die in this electric chair. Well, I suppose that I will die too but, never mind at least, I take one more life with me.  See you later!

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