luni, 10 februarie 2014

Just tonight

Turn me into love
Because this is all I am right now.
Give me faith
Because that's what I need.

Tonight I'm a child
Crying for attention.
I'm a devil
Waiting for you in hell

I'm everything you want me to be
Just tonight I'm the time
I'm the morning I'm the night
I'm what you think, what you breathe

marți, 14 ianuarie 2014


                Could you live in your own world? Your own imaginary world without risking ending up in a lunatic asylum? And if you could how would it look like? Could you live in it without taking contact with the real world?  

    It`s morning but let`s pretend that it`s already night. Why? Because I like it . I like that chilling feeling that night gives you, that quietness, that awesome feeling of loneliness though you`re not lonely. The moon it`s watching and if the moon wants to hide from us she lets the stars and clouds watching upon us. Until they fade away into the morning light.
                In my world the sun doesn`t exists. He is there just to give a break to the moon for her to take a rest. She needs to take a rest. Why? Because she is getting tired of seeing people how they turn around and go to sleep. How people hate her. How people are getting tired of seeing her shining into the sky. My world revolves around moon. My world exists only in the night because “We know that the nights were mainly made for saying things that you can`t say tomorrow day”. But why is that? Why there are things that can`t be told in the middle of the day? It`s because we are scared that the sun will burn us? Or is it because the moon is kind with us and gives us a moment where everything is quiet?
                It`s hard to keep my imagination under control. My thoughts are running away from me and they disappear into the endless night. And they stay there until the night comes again.
                That`s my imagination. That`s my week spot and my cure. This is my world and for that I`m grateful. I`m grateful that the night keeps my imagination, my world alive.

joi, 9 ianuarie 2014

Draga mea

        Iti scriu acum. Poate prea devreme, poate prea tarziu. Lumea noastra e nebuna! Iar noi, ne iubim incet intr-un secret interzis. Fara nume, fara vis. Nu stim ce vrem in lumea asta. Suntem tineri. Suntem niste copii in corpurile astea care imbatranesc, zi de zi. Devenim oameni. Devenim visele copilariei noastre sau cosmarurile ei? Cine stie?

        Ne indreptam cu pasi repezi catre lumea rea, plina de ura si vise neimplinite. Pentru o zi macar, as vrea sa tin timpu-n loc. Totul sa inghete iar noi, draga mea, sa avem o lume doar a noastra. Sa fugim de privirile oamenilor chiar prin fata lor. Vreau sa traim. Vreau sa iubim. Vreau sa simtim cum nu reusim sa imbatranim macar pentru o zi. Vreau sa pacalim timpul. Vreau sa evadam in lumea noastra inocenta...

joi, 2 ianuarie 2014

How much?

How much hate you need to love,
How much pain to feel
How much we need to lie for truth,
How much do I even care about you?

Left over an ocean of tears
Without a tinge of happiness,
A perfect place to be restless,
A place to be able to be careless.

And it's almost like your heaven
It's trying to break me down
To my glorious sins
To my faithful believes

But ,Be careful with my dreams
Take care of my sins
Never trust my words
Be aware of my worlds


Sa-mi stai acum la piept,
Răsuflarea ti-o aștept
Un sarut pe frunte-ti dau
Si toata durere ti-o iau.

Opreste-te, din fuga-n goană
Caci iubirea nu-i un gand,
Amintit intr-o doară
Sa ma iubești ca nicicând.

Dragoste-ti dau oricând
Nu vreau sa te văd plecând,
Si ma roade neîncetat
Cum te iubesc necondiționat?